Dysport vs BOTOX: What’s The Difference?

woman admires the sunshine in the morning hours (model)

The main difference between BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport® is that Dysport has smaller molecules that diffuse more easily, potentially working faster but requiring larger doses, while BOTOX is more concentrated, requiring fewer units and potentially lasting longer. At our practice, we consider BOTOX the “gold standard” neuromodulator treatment for patients who want to look younger without undergoing surgery. We do offer Dysport in our office, primarily for patients who do not respond to BOTOX or feel they are no longer getting the same benefits from it.

If you’d like to learn more about the similarities and differences between these two popular and effective neuromodulators, this post is for you!

Before & After Botulinum ToxinA (BOTOX®| Dysport®) Case 49 Left Side View in Los Angeles, CA
BOTOX® Cosmetic Before and After by Dr. Vartany in Burbank, CA
Before & After Botulinum ToxinA (BOTOX®| Dysport®) Case 50 Forehead View in Los Angeles, CA
BOTOX® Cosmetic Before and After by Dr. Vartany in Burbank, CA

What Do BOTOX and Dysport Treat?

BOTOX and Dysport both treat dynamic wrinkles and fine lines, especially around the forehead and eyes. They temporarily relax the facial muscles responsible for creating concerns such as crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines. BOTOX and Dysport can prevent existing wrinkles from worsening, and they even help prevent new wrinkles from forming.

Dysport vs. BOTOX Units

One of the differentiators between BOTOX and Dysport comes down to unit comparison. Dysport has a unique dilution, which differs from BOTOX. Compared to BOTOX, more units of Dysport are typically required to produce your desired results. Studies show that about one unit of BOTOX equals about 3 units of Dysport, although opinions vary and findings tend to differ. This related blog post provides an in-depth overview of BOTOX dosage for various treatment areas.

BOTOX and Dysport Pricing

Since BOTOX and Dysport units differ, how do we determine your treatment cost? Our practice charges $13 per unit for BOTOX and $13 per 3 units for Dysport. Pricing varies based on unique factors, such as the area we’re treating and your specific aesthetic goals. During your personalized consultation, our experienced team will assess your concerns, determine your specific dosage, and provide you with a detailed treatment plan and pricing.

How Long Do BOTOX and Dysport Last?

While both neuromodulators are temporary, BOTOX and Dysport kick in within 7 to 10 days and results typically last about 4 months. You can preserve your youthful, wrinkle-free look by protecting your skin from the sun and visiting us for touch-up treatments.

When you choose us for injectables, you can rest assured that your results will look beautiful, natural, and customized to your aesthetic vision.

Can I Combine Neuromodulators With Other Treatments?

Absolutely! It’s common to combine BOTOX and other neuromodulators with treatments such as dermal fillers and laser skin rejuvenation to help you achieve optimal results. They are also an excellent “maintenance treatment” option for patients who want to enhance or prolong their surgical blepharoplasty, brow lift, or facelift results.

Which Injectable Should I Choose?

When it comes to choosing BOTOX and other neuromodulators, we recommend letting your injector guide you toward the best solution. This involves assessing factors such as the targeted treatment area, cost, and how quickly you want to show off your results. Dr. Vartany is committed to helping you find the best solution for your needs, budget, and timeline.

What’s Next?

If you’re ready to refresh your appearance with BOTOX or one of our other rejuvenating treatments, I encourage you to request a consultation online or contact us by phone at (818) 500-0823 to schedule an appointment.

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